Planned Status Page Maintenance Notification February 9, 2024
Scheduled Maintenance Report for
The planned Status Page updates have been completed.

Subscriber Actions:
Users will want to review what components you are subscribed to and add/remove any as needed.

Please do not hesitate to contact the support team if you have any questions or concerns. Support Center
Posted Feb 09, 2024 - 15:19 UTC
In progress
We are currently implementing our previously announced Status Page updates.

Please do not hesitate to contact the support team if you have any questions or concerns. Support Center
Posted Feb 09, 2024 - 15:01 UTC
On 02/09/2024, we will be implementing planned updates to our status page, beginning at 7:00AM Pacific.

Details on changes/updates:
Component(s) Renaming:
Updating reference and description to Portal components.

Component(s) Adding/Moving:
Adding additional API components under API Connection/Endpoints
Adding new Card Present Processing subcomponent under Payment Services
Adding Risk component and moving Advance Fraud Detection Suite subcomponent
Adding Risk subcomponent to Sandbox/Testing Environment
Moving Batch/File Upload and Virtual Terminal under Payment Services

Subscriber Actions:
Users will want to review what components you are subscribed to and add/remove any as needed.

Please do not hesitate to contact the support team if you have any questions or concerns. Support Center
Posted Feb 05, 2024 - 17:09 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Corporate and Support Web Sites (Status Page).